Welcome to Chibi Land, a super cute fansite devoted to the chibi & super-deformed world of Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon. We've been serving fans since 2000 (that's 23 years!) so we are pretty old-school, but very much devoted. We love Sailor Moon with over-sized heads & tiny bodies - we hope you do too. We also run MoonSticks.org, a Sailor Moon Web Comic drawn chibi-style! Make sure to give it a visit! ~Chibi Jennifer
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We have recently moved to a new domain: chibiland.dearchibi.com! If you've linked to us, please update your bookmarks/links to this new address :)
Find out where to watch Sailor Moon Crystal Season 5: Sailor Moon Cosmos (The Movie)! Pictures, trailers, episode list and more!

Lots of new Sailor Moon merchandise are being released! Check out our comprehensive Sailor Moon Shopping Guide for links to where to buy!